Tinder Will Help You Make Sure Your Potential Date Is Not A Dangerous Criminal

Dhir Acharya

Tinder Will Help You Make Sure Your Potential Date Is Not A Dangerous Criminal

To improve safety for people when dating online, Tinder will let users run background checks from its app on any potential dates they match with.

To improve safety for people when dating online, Tinder will let users run background checks from its app on any potential dates they match with. On Monday, Match Group announced that it made an investment in Garbo, a new kind of background check created to proactively prevent gender-based violence.

Once rolled out, the feature will help Tinder users find out if their future dates have a history of violence or criminal records. Garbo says the affordable background checks gather public records along with reports of violence or abuse, which include convictions, arrests, harassment, restraining orders, as well as other violent crimes. The tool excludes arrests that are related to traffic violations and drug possession as they impact mostly minority groups.

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The tool is affordable but not free. The Verge says that Match Group is working with Garbo to ensure the feature won’t be cost-prohibitive for most users, but the press release did not reveal pricing. Match Group’s Head of Safety and Social Advocacy Tracey Breeden, said:

“For far too long women and marginalized groups in all corners of the world have faced many barriers to resources and safety. We recognize corporations can play a key role in helping remove those barriers with technology and true collaboration rooted in action. In partnership with Match Group, Garbo’s thoughtful and groundbreaking consumer background check will enable and empower users with information, helping create equitable pathways to safer connections and online communities across tech.”

According to Match Group, in the coming months, it plans to start testing and building the background check feature on Tinder and that the feature will be rolled out before year-end. However, it remains unclear whether the feature will require a subscription or not. After Tinder, the feature will come to other services like Meetic, Match.com, Hinge, OkCupid, Ship, and PlentyOfFish, all of which belong to Match Group.

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