Here Are All The Things You Can Use For Free Due To COVID-19

Anil - Mar 27, 2020

Here Are All The Things You Can Use For Free Due To COVID-19

Dear my fellow insiders, feel free to check it! 

In an attempt to slow down the contagious COVID-19 virus, governments around the world have been taking more and more measures that center on putting the whole country on lockdown. One way or another, people are encouraged to stay at home as much as possible and behave responsibly amid the mounting cases related to the epidemic.

COVID-19 1
Let's rock the Internet!

The current situation leads to companies having to shut all the onsite works and now, some offer their services for free to help people work as well as comfort themselves when getting bored. 

Dear my fellow insiders, the list below will give you a closer look at some notable plans we’ve compiled. Feel free to check it! 


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No sooner have PornHub made Italian users access to its Premium content at no cost than the adult website started widening the plan worldwide. As promoted on the homepage, the Premium plan used to come at around Rs 800 per month, but you can give it a try without having to worry about your wallet as the free-cost program will last until April 23rd. 

>>> P.o.r.n.h.u.b Offers StayHomeHub Premium Free, Here Is How To Sign Up


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Tinder Passport

Staying at home is no more favor of sorts while we’re ordered to comply with that every day. Tinder has already got your back as it creates a new feature called Passport to let you virtually explore the world. With this feature, you can turn your current location to a preferred one. The dating platform makes it available to all users until April 30 at no charge. 


Thankfully, BSNL is launching a work-from-home plan that comes with 5GB data per day. In particular, landline users will have an average Internet speed of 10Mbps until they run out of 5GB data. 

>>> YouTube Lowers Video Quality Worldwide Due To COVID-19


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