The Worst Passwords In 2018 Are Just As Terrible As You'd Expect: SpashData

Karamchand Rameshwar - Dec 14, 2018

The Worst Passwords In 2018 Are Just As Terrible As You'd Expect: SpashData

SlashData just released its annual list of top 100 worst passwords in 2018, which includes some of the worst and most predictable passwords.

It seems like many people are not really good at making a safe password for themselves.


SplashData, a software company, just released its 2018 list of the Top 100 worst passwords on Thursday which includes some of the worst passwords that many would think “people still use this passwords?”. Well, the password that stays at the #1 spot is “123456”, and yes, the password that ranked 2nd is “password”. This “password” password has stayed firmly at the top 2 spots for 5 consecutive years.


There are new faces in this list such as “princess” (rank 11), “666666” (rank 14) and also “donald” (rank 23).


SplashData gathered over 5 million leaked passwords which were mostly from Western Europe and North America users and evaluated them to compile this list. According to SplashData’s estimation, around ten percent of users have once set their passwords that are featured in the Top 25 worst passwords, and three percent of them have set the password “123456”.


Government officials and celebrities are also among users who choose those horrible passwords to protect their accounts, according to Dashlane’s report. Kanye West was the most notable name on the list as he said that he used “000000” as the passcode for his iPhone on the meeting with US President Donald Trump on October.

Kanye West Password Ap 759

And these are the top 25 passwords that SlashData believes are the worst. And please change your passwords if you are using these passwords. It is surely not a safe one to protect your accounts.

25) qwerty123

24) password1

23) donald

22) aa123456

21) charlie

20) !@#$%^&*

19) 654321

18) monkey

17) 123123

16) football

15) abc123

14) 666666

13) welcome

12) admin

11) princess

10) iloveyou

9) qwerty

8) sunshine

7) 1234567

6) 111111

5) 12345

4) 12345678

3) 123456789

2) password

1) 123456


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