YouTube Videos On Homepage Will Have Bigger Thumbnails And More Details

Aadhya Khatri

The new homage design of YouTube is out today and what has changed is that now users have fewer videos on display but larger thumbnails

YouTube’s new homage design is out today, and what has changed is that now users have fewer videos on display but larger thumbnails. This new look was first introduced as a test back in August and many users expressed frustration over it.

The reason for the reduced number of videos on the homepage is that thumbnails are bigger now. Along with this, more information on each video will be provided.

This new look was first introduced as a test back in August

So with the new homepage design rolled out, creators can create longer titles for their videos. What YouTube aims at here is to give audiences more information without them hovering the cursor over the videos or clicking on them.

Since the number of videos is lower now, YouTube also has to reduce the featured ones. “Music” and “News” will depart too. The company said that its team came up with the change after taking feedbacks from creators and users into consideration. Some other improvements include patches for various technical and glaring problems.

Overall, the changes make the homepage looks more appealing to the eyes. However, there are also updates for other features. The most prominent is that now you can tell the platform to stop suggesting channels you have no interest in. This is not new as it has already been launched on mobile, but now it has finally made it to desktop.

Users of YouTube on desktop now have the option to add videos to queue, which is available on the Android app. Users can choose more videos to watch next without stopping the current one. Once the browser is closed, these videos will be removed from the queue.

The new design will be rolled out today for desktops along with iOS and Android apps for tablets. If you have not seen it, don’t worry, it will come to everyone soon.

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