Terrifying Model Shows What Hardcore Gamers Might Look Like After 20 Years

Karamchand Rameshwar

From sleep deprivation to bloodshot eyes, here is what a hardcore gamer might look like after 20 years, according to a new study.

Based on data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), a US research team recently created a model to simulate the appearance of an avid gamer. According to the researchers, this model will show a clear impact on the body for being a hardcore gamer, who keeps excessive gaming continuously after 20 years.

Named ‘Michael’, this is a picture of a model of an avid gamer who has a habit of playing games for dozens of hours a day in 2040.

Michael's skull is indented, which is the result of wearing headphones too tight all day. Meanwhile, regularly sitting indoors to play games makes Michael bald due to lack of vitamin D and sunlight.

His skin is pale because he stays in the room for too long without coming out, while the eyes are surrounded by dark circles due to sleep deprivation.

When looking at Michael's face, it's easy to see the dark circles under his Bloodshot eyes - which is the ‘side effect’ of sleep deprivation and regularly looking at computer screens for tens of hours a day.

Notably, Michael's body also has an extremely frightening transformation. Sitting in a poor posture for long periods of time and the lack of exercise lead to Michael's hunched back and rounded shoulders, not to mention the extremely oversized waistline due to sitting too much.

Hardcore gamers may be obese due to inactivity, indicating by the oversize belly.

The model also showed that Michael's legs were swollen and have varicose veins due to staying seated in one place for too long causing poor blood circulation. His hands are also severely deformed due to excessive use of the mouse, keyboard and gaming controller.

To avoid this situation, the team recommends that gamers need to take better care of themselves, specifically to staying hydrated, regular stretching, and eating well.

In 2018, game addiction was classified as an official psychological disorder by WHO when health experts all agreed on the serious risks of getting addicted due to the regular playing of video games. Accordingly, game addiction is defined as unable to control the desire to play games, constantly making gaming a top priority in life, despite all other needs, activities, and everyday hobbies.

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