Telegram Founder Says WhatsApp ‘Will Never Be Secure’

Shackcham Mirchandani

The man behind Telegram has things to say about WhatsApp’s insecurity

While Telegram is claimed to have high protection for users’ privacy, WhatsApp is facing accusations of not being secure enough. Facing this situation, Pavel Durov – the founder of this app and also Telegram, has had words regarding this debate about WhatsApp’s security loopholes. When spyware made by an NSO firm was tracked into the app to examine whether it being hacked is possible or not, Facebook instantly confirmed this breach and asked users to immediately update the application. Given this hint, a blog with the title as in the picture has been shared by Durov.

Durov's tweet about how WhatsApp will never be secure

The co-founder of Telegram also pointed out that users’ privacy is highly concerned when using WhatsApp. It has been confirmed that with only one call on the app, it is vulnerable enough to be used to invade users’ information. Yet Durov himself claimed that he was not at all surprised, given the fact this loophole is only a small part of many other failures regarding its ability to protect users’ privacy. He also claimed that during those 10 last years, there was not a moment when the app is considered secure enough.

WhatsApp was noted as easily breached

The information that WhatsApp has recently been breached is actually not a new thing at all, for the fact that this app has been prey for malicious as well as sponsored attacks in the past. As soon as they patch a loophole, another one arises. Durov even declared that every single time when they tried to fix a bug, another one just appeared in that very place.

It does not matter whether how many times Facebook tries to oversell the end-to-end encryption on the app, Durov still has his reasons to believe that it is a deliberate action regarding parts of the company. Facebook hid the source code intentionally, making it’s difficult for software engineers to determine basic loopholes.

Taking advantage of the tightly-packed source code, the company is capable of creating backdoors for hackers and governments to somehow bypass the app security.

The encryption that WhatsApp used is no longer trustworthy

The end-to-end encryption is mentioned as a solution to solve this firewall problem of WhatsApp; however, Facebook’s claim about the privacy of this encryption is no longer trustworthy, because security experts have expressed their concern that this technology alone cannot serve as a measure to prevent attempts of hacking. Darov also indicated in his post that Facebook’s algorithms are in every way convenient for backdoors surveillance and activities.

Additionally, some suggestions on how this app could become more secure have been proposed by Durov. As for Telegram, Durov is confident enough to say that never have this app experienced loopholes like what WhatsApp has been facing all this time. For it to defeat these flaws, this app might as well be on the verge of losing a considerable amount of its markets, not to mention they will be against their own government. As for Durov to say, the app is not yet ready.

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