Amazon Is Using Packing Robots Instead Of Human Labors, Heading To Automation

Sundar Pichai

Amazon Is Using Packing Robots Instead Of Human Labors, Heading To Automation

The world’s largest e-commerce platform Amazon plans to roll out machines packing customer orders, which has been done by human until now.

The world’s largest e-commerce platform Amazon plans to roll out machines packing customer orders, which has been done by human until now. Staying employees could be trained to undertake more technical positions, according to the company.

Automation Technology

Because such jobs like picking up or transporting items have won Amazon public goodwill, deploying the plan may take a long time for US-based company.

The machines, manufactured by Italian firm CMC Srl, are able to pack faster and more effective than human. Technically, they churn out products four to five times the rate of a normal employee, packing 600-700 boxes per hour. The devices, named CartonWrap, require maximum of three workers to operate the process. These workers include one person loading orders, one stocking cardboard and glue, and a technician fixing jams. Meanwhile, Amazon is employing countless employees for the same tasks.

Amazon is using packing robots in certain facilities

Despite having difficulties to go against its hiring deal with the government, the e-commerce giant insisted on automation technology’s effectiveness, mentioning its plans to train workers.

Intention For Efficiency

While it intends to speed up the shipping process, the company plans to focus on ‘efficiency and savings’ in this latest round of automation. Besides CartonWrap, another machine called SmartPac is used in mailing activities. Amazon said that two automation devices help reduce five rows of workers to two at a facility.

The company has already installed boxing machines in some of their warehouses. The company’s representative said that these devices have the ability to automate more than 24 jobs per facility. Specifically, human take care of placing items on conveyors, and machines build boxes, then take charge of sealing and labeling. Automation technology like that helps save money for Amazon, by reducing labor and wasted packing materials. Demand for robots will go up when Amazon set up more fulfillment centers in the US.

Robots pack four to five times as fast as humans

Will Robots Replace Humans?

Not only Amazon, but various giant companies in the e-commerce industry is finding ways to apply automation technology. Inc, Shutterfly or Walmart have been testing on CMC’s packing technology.

Amazon wants to automate its facilities as much as possible

Nevertheless, this is not an overnight plan. Robots, despite their advantages, have major problems that disturb the behemoths. While advances in AI are improving their accuracy, robots still have a high possibility of breaking items, or wrong pick-ups. Also, companies need skilled supporters who can fix issues when they arise.

Amazon still expressed their belief in automation technology, testing various vendors’ devices for their future use.