OnePlus Will Send Engineers To Your Home To Fix Your Devices

Aadhya Khatri

OnePlus Will Send Engineers To Your Home To Fix Your Devices

The doorstep repair services of OnePlus are now available in select cities, including Pune, Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Bangalore

According to a report from Counter Research, in 2019, OnePlus beat Samsung to be India’s top premium smartphone vendor.

While it is no denying that the quality of its devices is the major deciding factor, one cannot ignore the excellent after-sales service OnePlus is offering for its customers.

Oneplus doorstep service
According to a report from Counter Research, in 2019, OnePlus beat Samsung to be India’s top premium smartphone vendor

In an effort to provide even more benefits for its customers in India and fortify its offline presence, the Chinese company announced that it would open 100 new Experience Stores in 50 cities in India, along with a service with which users can have OnePlus mechanics visited their home to fix their devices.

These doorstep repair services are now available in select cities only, including Pune, Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Bangalore. This initiative is launched after its six-month trial brought some positive results.

The Chinese company announced that it would open 100 new Experience Stores in 50 cities in India

So for those who live in these cities, use OnePlus devices and are having issues, you can apply for doorstep repair via the OnePlus Care app. After you register, you will have to fill in a convenient time for an engineer to visit your resident. Along with the repair service, users also have free drop-off and pick-up.

This service ensures that your data won’t be stolen and you are only charged for the parts that need to be replaced. While OnePlus claims that it was the first company in the world to offer such a service, Realme and Xiaomi have long had a similar offer for their customers in India.

While neither Realme or Xiaomi sends an engineer to your home and fixes your devices, they do have the free pick-up and drop-off repair service.

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