Coronavirus Vaccine Is Still 1 Year Away - The Pandemic Might Never Fully Disappear, Said Scientists

Aadhya Khatri - Mar 06, 2020

Coronavirus Vaccine Is Still 1 Year Away - The Pandemic Might Never Fully Disappear, Said Scientists

Coronavirus vaccine ready to be launch for widespread use will not come sooner than next year and we might have to deal with it for the long haul

The number of reported cases of Coronavirus in India is on the rise and everyone is panic. Face masks and hand sanitizers fly off the shelf faster than the latest smartphones and people are advised to work from home whenever a new case is diagnosed in the same area.

Coronavirus India vaccine
The number of reported cases of Coronavirus in India is on the rise and everyone is panic

While the whole world wants nothing else than the pandemic to go away so that they can resume their day-to-day life without living in fear, a vaccine for COVID-19 seems to be far-off.

Vaccines Will Take Some More Time

The strongest weapon we can expect to get to fight off the Coronavirus is a vaccine and pharmaceutical companies across the world are racing against time to create one.

coronavirus vaccine India
The strongest weapon we can expect to get to fight off the Coronavirus is a vaccine

We have seen initial success, even though minor, which gives us hope of something we can count on in this situation. A pharmaceutical brand has sent its vaccine to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The first clinical trials are scheduled to happen in April.

However, do not put your hopes up just yet. A vaccine ready to be launch for mass use on humans will not come to the market sooner than next year.

Meanwhile, health officials are trying their best to contain the virus, prevent it from spreading further than it already is.

Containing Coronavirus Is Paramount

Our only hope, for now, is to adhere to health official’s advice. Wash your hand regularly, do not touch your face too often, cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze, and when you feel ill, and self-quarantine to prevent infecting others should you catch the virus.

Coronavirus India vaccine contain
Our only hope, for now, is to adhere to health official’s advice

Doctors said that whenever an individual is infected with the Coronavirus, the symptoms are not much different than those of the common flu. In this case, visit a doctor, take the meds prescribed to you and take proper rest.

When you experience pneumonia-like symptoms or you are over 65, you will probably be admitted to a hospital.

What the authority asks the public to do, like avoid gathering in a large number in public places or ask anyone with suspected symptoms to stay at home, is their effort to contain the virus until a cure or a vaccine becomes available.

Coronavirus Might Never Be Fully Eradicated

Our only hope now is to wait for a vaccine to save the day. However, we do not know how long it will take for experts to make it and when we finally have it, how effective it is.

Other questions are whether it brings side effects and whether it can be mass adopted in time. To add to the problem of not having a vaccine, experts warn that COVID-19 is different from other Coronaviruses we know of, like MERS or SARS, so we might not be able to fully eradicate it.

As stated by Ian Lipkin of the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University, the virus might not go away and if so, we would have to deal with it for the long haul.

The complex nature of the virus has made it hard for experts to find a vaccine for it. So what we, the general mass, can do now is to practice preventative measures like washing our hands and cover our faces when we sneeze or cough and hope that pharmaceutical companies can find a vaccine as soon as possible.

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