iPhone Become The Most-Used Smartphone Model For Streaming Pornhub

Anil Singh - Dec 13, 2019

iPhone Become The Most-Used Smartphone Model For Streaming Pornhub

It's the heyday for iPhone while it has become the most-used smartphone model for streaming Pornhub.

Statistical numbers never lie. The most famous porn site Pornhub recently witnessed tons of users switch watching porn from their laptops or desktops to their phones. All the data was collected on a massive basis because Pornhub is considered the most-visited adult site at present.

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Courtesy of Pornhub

According to an annual data report reviewed by Pornhub, a total of 76.5% of users consume its content via mobile phone devices. In comparison with last year’s 71.5 percent, the site saw a slight increase of 5 percent.

What’s more interesting to hear? While Pornhub is the most-visited platform for adult entertainment, iPhone has become the most-used smartphone model for users to watch porn in the world, taking over the rein from Google’s Android OS.

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Now, it's the heyday for iPhones. It sounds like "iPhone hub", doesn't it?  

Now, it's the heyday for iPhones. In particular, the rate of mobile traffic through iOS reached at nearly 53 percent, followed by the 46.6-percent second place of Android. It seems that this result likely owed to the launch of various new iPhone flagship, which made the price of the predecessors go down to be affordable for more people. To remind, Android did take the dominance place with 54.5 percent and iOS was left behind with 44.4 percent.

Amongst all browsers, Chrome still holds the 1st when it comes to the most popular browser, regardless of which operating system people have used to watch porn. It accounted for over 56 percent of all traffics coming from desktop. Notably, the runner-up iOS’ Safari generated roughly 41 percent. Meanwhile, Microsoft’s Edge is at the bottom of the list with only 10.7 percent.

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Chrome accounted for over 56 percent of all traffics coming from desktop.

Given that many old iPhone models have gradually gotten their own price cut, streaming videos (of course, including pornography) is a worthy experience of sorts.


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