Google Walkout Organizers Call On To Investigate HR Department


Google Walkout Organizers Call On To Investigate HR Department

A lot of demands were given in a Medium post of the Google walkout organization’s official account. However, the company pointed out clearly that not all of its employees’ ideas would be acceptable.

The employees who organized a Google walkout in 2018 are demanding the company to conduct an investigation on the HR department. The news came after some of its employees have revealed that they are facing managers’ retaliation.

In addition, the Google walkout organizers require a third party to conduct the investigation.

A lot of demands were given in a Medium post of the walkout organization’s official account. They included: the employees wanted the company to meet the demands given in the walkout of November 2018, the CEO of Alphabet Larry Page has to tackle their demands, managers end retaliation against the walkout organizers. And also, Google has to investigate its own “abysmal handling of employee complaints.” According to the post,

In addition, the walkout organizers require a third party to conduct the investigation as well as the company to release the results publicly.

A representative from Google stated,

However, the company also pointed out clearly that not all of its employees’ ideas would be acceptable.

In recent days, the US technology company has focused more on changes in the workplace, such as changing how its employees can complain. However, it also pointed out clearly that not all of its employees’ ideas would be acceptable.

According to a post on Google’s blog in April,

Back to November 2018, over 20,000 employees organized a Google walkout to object how the tech giant has tackled complaints concerning sexual harassment. Last month, two of the walkout organizers said they have been retaliated by their own managers. At the beginning of May 2019, hundreds of Google employees took part in a sit-in to counter the retaliation.