Google Fixed Issues Affecting Gmail, Google Cloud, And YouTube In US


Accordingly, Google stated it would investigate the outrage as well as to conduct vital improvements for its systems in a bid to avoid or at least limit the similar situations possible in the future.

On June 02, Google announced that the US tech company had just dealt with the network congestion issues in the eastern US, which was affecting an array of its existing services including G Suite, Google Cloud, and YouTube.

The company would investigate the outrage as well as to conduct vital improvements for its systems.

Accordingly, it stated it would investigate the outrage as well as to conduct vital improvements for its systems in a bid to avoid or at least limit the similar situations possible in the future.

Two days ago, Google revealed the company was facing network congestion issues at high levels. The incident started at 3:25 p.m.

Right after that, it discovered the main reason for these issues; however, the company hasn’t had any intention to reveal it.

According to Snapchat – the company also had an experience with the same kind of issue, it knew what Google was facing. The outrage tracking website said that at peak time, Snapchat received up to over 48,000 complaints before the number dropped to around 1,800 at 9 p.m on June 02.

In addition to Google, Snapchat also had experience with the same kind of issue.

In the annual report, Snap Inc., the parent company of Snapchat, revealed that it was using Google Cloud services; however, none of these companies gave any comment on whether the Google Cloud was the major reason for the outrage of Snapchat.

When the outage happened, many Twitter users posted tweets and complained about the incident according to the hashtag #YouTubeDOWN.

As tweeted by a Twitter user named Jasmine, “When Snapchat and YouTube are both down and you don’t know where to go next #YouTubeDOWN #snapchatdown.”

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