Digital Masters Catalog From Apple Music Can Help Users Discover High-quality Tunes

Ravi Singh - Aug 16, 2019

Digital Masters Catalog From Apple Music Can Help Users Discover High-quality Tunes

On Wednesday, Apple Music announced the release of a new push called Digital Masters putting “Mastered for iTunes” songs into one global catalog.

On Wednesday, Apple Music announced the release of a new push called Digital Masters putting “Mastered for iTunes” songs into one global catalog.

By means of clever processing, its goal was to provide nearly master quality audio from compressed files. However, it has never become the best feature and even went into eclipse since the emergence of Apple Music. 

digital masters apple music
Mastered for iTunes (MFiT) developed by Apple

In spite of the release of Digital Masters drive for Apple Music, MFiT is planning to be on the way up again, said Billboard. This advanced feature will put every track from Mastered for iTunes in one global streaming catalog. From now on, you will no longer be staggered by a question:


At least, it may well be that some of your favorite tunes have already been through a Digital Master transformation. According to Apple, there have been approximately 75 out of 100 US top songs and 71 out of 100 worlđwide top songs were mastered this way. Unfortunately, this update might not be available for an Indie Extended Play (EP). However, it would not be that difficult to find a mainstream fare.


Apple has been asked to tell more about this feature, but there's no further information until now.

In addition, this is all about avoiding industry rivalry from smaller businesses with first-rate options. Although some music streaming services like Tidal, Deezer, and Qobuz all provide lossless options, it is normally available with a premium over regular subscriptions. Even though Digital Masters is not the same, it could be pretty much close for those that have both perceptive ears and limited budgets.


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