These Chips Allow Cars To Talk To Each Other To Avoid Collision

Aadhya Khatri - Feb 12, 2020

These Chips Allow Cars To Talk To Each Other To Avoid Collision

The chips do not require line of sight and if they detect a potential hazard, they will notify us in time so that the drivers can take proper actions

Each year, there are around 1.35 million people died of traffic road accidents and up to 50 million suffer from injuries because of crashing. Hyundai is determined to solve this problem and it has funded Autotalks, an Israeli startup to develop a solution called Vehicle-to-Everything chips, or V2X for short. The South Korean automaker has planned to use the tech on its own vehicles starting from 2021.

The V2X chips broadcast the location, speed, and direction of a car 10 times each second. With the information being sent to other vehicles on the road, as well as traffic lights and smartphones of pedestrians, the chips are expected to help people avoid collisions.

Hyundai Auto Talks chips
With the information being sent to other vehicles on the road, as well as traffic lights and smartphones of pedestrians, the chips are expected to help people avoid collisions

In order to receive and analyze data transmitted by the V2X chips, the surrounding vehicles must be equipped with the same system.

Autotalks’ product is able to warn drivers if risk like when two cars cannot see each other and it comes at a very reasonable price of Rs. 7,148. When fixed on an autonomous vehicle, the system will take action on its own to prevent a crash instead of just informing the human driver of the risk.

Autotalks chips price
Autotalks’ product is able to warn drivers if risk like when two cars cannot see each other and it comes at a very reasonable price of Rs. 7,148

According to Yaniv Sulkes, business development and vice president of Autotalks, human eyes are excellent but when we lose focus or are distracted, accidents might happen.

The chips do not require line of sight as our eyes do and if they detect a potential hazard, they will notify us in time so that the drivers can take proper actions to stay safe on the road.

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