1 In 5 Products That You Buy Online Might Be Fake

Shakti - Nov 05, 2018

1 In 5 Products That You Buy Online Might Be Fake

Surprisingly, the number of fake goods that you might buy online is so high, at about 20% even on the trustful e-commerce platform.

20% - 22% of online - trading goods, even from Snapdeal, Paytm Mall, Flipkart, and Amazon, are fake. This is the fact that has been revealed in a research conducted for 6 months. This means 1 in 5 products that you have bought online from these platforms are not genuine.


1 in 5 products you buy online might be fake.

According to a research of LocalCircles, a social network which is mainly focused on governance and urban daily life, the goods of the following e-commerce sites which transferred are reported to be fake: Snapdeal (37%), Paytm Mall (21%), Flipkart (22%) and. Amazon (20%).

The most frequent kinds of fake products are fragrances with 35% reported from users, cosmetics (also 35%), sporting goods (22%), and bags (8%), according to the reports of customers.

The fake goods are also a big problem to the other global e-commerce Alibaba's fans. The Office of US Trade Representative notifies that the fake goods from Alibaba affiliate moved to America. This indicates the threat of online trading movement from third-party vendors on a global scale and this will also affect India e-commerce market.

During the sale festival period, when sellers want to gain higher sales of their goods, some of them might want to satisfy the extremely high customers' demand by shipping the fake goods, hoping the acceptance from consumers.


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