Tag: Gmail

28 results found
You Can Now Edit Microsoft Office Files Right In Gmail

ICT News- Dec 11, 2020

You Can Now Edit Microsoft Office Files Right In Gmail

Google is building up Gmail integration with Microsoft Office files, which will allow users to edit Office documents attached in the emails they receive.

has:attachment larger:10m, How To Check Google Storage Status

How To- Nov 25, 2020

has:attachment larger:10m, How To Check Google Storage Status

How to check Google storage status and clears up space? Let’s us help you with checking your using “has:attachment larger:10M" line.

Google To Start Showing Brand Logos In Gmail To Help You Avoid Scammers

ICT News- Jul 23, 2020

Google To Start Showing Brand Logos In Gmail To Help You Avoid Scammers

Google said that it will start piloting the new standard, called Brand Indicators for Message Identifications in the coming months with a handful of users.

How Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube Would Look Like In The 80s

Features- Jun 23, 2020

How Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube Would Look Like In The 80s

How would these applications look like if they existed in the 80s when technology wasn’t as advanced as it is now? Keep on reading to find out.

How To Delete Gmail Account In Android Phone: Detailed, Easy Instructions

How To- May 07, 2020

How To Delete Gmail Account In Android Phone: Detailed, Easy Instructions

How to delete Gmail account in Android phone so that you are no longer annoyed by notifications all day from the Gmail app. Follow these steps.

Google Plans To Combine Gmail With Google Meet

ICT News- Apr 17, 2020

Google Plans To Combine Gmail With Google Meet

Google’s video conferencing app - Google Meet - is being upgraded and integrated with Gmail for its users to hold online meetings from their inboxes. 

How To- Feb 28, 2020

How To Fix The Gmail Bug That Prevents You From Deleting Spams On Your Android Phone

A bug in the Gmail Android app is making it harder for you to delete spam and trash mails, but there are several workarounds to overcome this problem.

How To- Feb 18, 2020

How To Import Emails Between Your Gmail Accounts

There are certain situations when you feel the need to migrate all your emails from one Gmail address to another. This article provides detailed guidelines.

How To- Feb 05, 2020

How To Change Phone Number In Gmail

Google asks for an associated phone number for your account for a number of reasons, one of them is to help you recover the account in time of need

How To- Feb 04, 2020

How To Back Up Data In Gmail

While Gmail seems to be trustworthy when it comes to user data, we can never be too careful with the valuable information stored there

How To- Dec 18, 2019

How To Use Filters In Gmail Like A Pro

Filters in Gmail keep unimportant emails out of your eyes as well as make others rise to the top.

How To- Nov 28, 2019

If You Want A Second Google Account, Here's How You Can Have It

With a Google account, you can access an app suite, a host of productivity tools, cloud storage, emails, etc. It's even better when you have two accounts.