You Can Now Edit Microsoft Office Files Right In Gmail

Dhir Acharya - Dec 11, 2020

You Can Now Edit Microsoft Office Files Right In Gmail

Google is building up Gmail integration with Microsoft Office files, which will allow users to edit Office documents attached in the emails they receive.

Google is building up Gmail integration with Microsoft Office files, which will allow users to edit Office documents attached in the emails they receive.

Right now, users can sometimes edit files from Google’s Workspace suite right in the service, but the Microsoft Office integration is a new big step. In the past, users had to open documents in the Google Workspace suite if they wanted to make changes.

Sent Email1 1020 Compressed

Now, users can edit Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files right in Gmail and the original format of the document file is maintained. This means they will be able to send an edited Office file in their reply without the need to download the file to fix and reattach it as a new version.

With the new integration, users can modify an Office file by simply pressing on the Edit button showing up right beside the email attachment. As part of its attempt to make Office more compatible with Gmail, Google announced a new add-on called Macro Conversion to help users transfer macros from Excel to Sheets more easily.

Open In Office Editing Docs Sheets Slides

The update is already being rolled out to users but it may take 2 weeks for the integration to be available for all users, according to Google. All new features are updated on Google the support page.

Officially released in 2009, Gmail has since become one of the most used services of Google along with Google Drive, etc. It lets users send and receive emails for free. As of 2018, it had got over 1.5 billion users worldwide.

>>> Google To Start Showing Brand Logos In Gmail To Help You Avoid Scammers


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