Trump To Sign Executive Order To Push AI Development In The U.S

Arnav Dhar - Feb 13, 2019

Trump To Sign Executive Order To Push AI Development In The U.S

Trump is said to sign an executive order dubbed the American AI Initiative which is aimed to strengthen the AI development in the country.

The US is undoubtedly one of the leading countries in developing AI, and it appears US President Donal Trump is trying to remain the position.

As per many sources, Trump signed an executive order dubbed the American AI Initiative this Monday. This executive order requests many national agencies to invest in artificial intelligent more seriously — but all of them are persuaded that it'll have the ideal effect.

Trump Signing Ai Initiative

Trump signing executive order to support developing AI

Amid a press interview, a governmental official stated that the request will consist of 5 "key pillars" which national agencies should concentrate on.

These key pillars contain a lot of moral rules for technology development and applications, just as the importance of its innovative work. The order likewise urges government agencies to make things easier for AI experts to get access to the federal source of data, make partnerships and apprenticeships that will enable them to work on automation, as well as discover approaches to cooperate with different countries without trading off U.S. “values and interests.”.

As indicated by Reuters, the official confirmed that artificial intelligence is a crucial part playing in humans' lives and so that what this AI American Initiative wants is to incorporate all of its benefits together and help show American citizens how promising this technology is.

This is Trump's most significant act on artificial intelligent so far. However, it's simply the initial move toward solidifying the U.S.'s position as the biggest player in this technology. Still, it probably won't be sufficient, as per Jason Furman, a professor at Harvard, who helped create Obama's AI report.

According to Furman in his interview with The Verge, Trump's AI initiative consists of many rightful factors, though we are yet to see if it can be maintained and work efficiently. He said that it is inspirational with full of hope but not really explicit and realistic enough.


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