Streaming Platforms Like Netflix Forced To Issue Emergency Alerts

Anil - Oct 25, 2019

Streaming Platforms Like Netflix Forced To Issue Emergency Alerts

Users will be aware of serious situations through these life-saving alerts.

A bipartisan bill related to multimedia streaming services such as videos or audio was introduced in the US Senate. This will likely result in an emergency notification for services like Spotify or Netflix. Initially, the bill was introduced last year by senators after the fact that an unconfirmed and false missile alert spread throughout Hawai'i. An act named READI - Reliable Emergency Alert Distribution Improvement will help avoid similar events while ensuring authenticity as well as the relevance of the information to the recipients. 

Alert Notification1
This will likely result in an emergency notification for services like Spotify or Netflix.

In addition to covering alerts issued via streaming platforms, READI Act also eliminates refusal to receive federal notifications, even incoming missiles alerts. President or FEMA alerts will also be played back and forth repeatedly, instead of being broadcast only once on the radio or TV. The act will force FEMA to take actions to prevent false notifications, and develop a reporting system exclusively for false alerts that the FCC can refer to. 


Referring to Hawai'i case last year, Senator Schatz said that even though it was not an accurate alarm, the fact that several people were not notified on phones and others missed the alert on radios and TVs could reveal a problem in the way we are receiving urgent alerts. By enacting the bill, the issues related to making emergency notifications will be improved. Especially in real urgent cases, accurate alerts can save numerous lives. Therefore, the importance of proper warnings is indisputable. 

The READI Act plays an important role in improving the current alert system.

Bipartisan Congress members including Jerry McNerney also spoke about the need for the READI Act in the House of Representatives. For McNerney, the READI Act plays an important role in improving the current alert system. Thereby, U.S citizens will be aware of serious situations through these life-saving alerts.


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