After 30-Year Contribution, Jony Ive Decides To Leave Apple To Form His Design Company


During a few recent years, his role at Apple has changed slightly although Apple said in 2017 that Jony Ive still focused "purely on design.”

When being interviewed by the Financial Times, the talented designer Jony Ive revealed that he is going to leave Apple after nearly 30 years of designing unique products for the Cupertino-based tech company. He plans to form a new design company called LoveFrom and Apple will become the first client. During a few recent years, Ive’s role at Apple has changed slightly although Apple said in 2017 that the designer still focused "purely on design.”

Ive’s role at Apple has changed slightly although Apple said in 2017 that the designer still focused "purely on design.”

It’s not difficult to realize Ive’s signs in each development of Apple’s products from iPod, iPhone to Mac, especially in its new “spaceship” campus named Apple Park. His impact has become deeper since he got a promotion after Steve Jobs returned the company in 1997. If you are one of the iDevice fans, you must be familiar with Ive’s voiceovers to explain the design process whenever the company introduces a new device.

Talking about his plan to leave Apple, Jony Ive said to FT as below:

In terms of the name “LoveFrom” of his new company, he unveiled that he took inspiration from Steve Jobs’ quote about creating everything with love as well as care for those who we never meet. In the upcoming time, he will keep partner with Marc Newson – an influential Australian designer, and many other designers "from around the world that come from quite diverse areas of expertise."

As per Apple, the company said:

As planned, the talented designer will complete his transition by the end of 2019. After that, Evans Hankey (Industrial Design Vice President) and Alan Dye (Vice President of Human Interface design) will have the responsibility to report to COO Jeff Williams. Also, Apple has introduced Sabih Khan as its new Senior Vice President of operations. Khan has specialized in the global supply chain for the tech giant for 24 years.

According to the CEO of Apple Tim Cook:

As planned, Jony Ive will complete his transition by the end of 2019.

He added:

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