Intel Believes A Foldable Laptop Won't Arrive Before 2021


"It's early pathfinding now, and we are trying to understand the capability and the limitation of the [foldable] technology,"

According to an interview between Intel spokesperson and Nikkei Asian Review, the chipset manufacturer believes a laptop with a foldable display could be rolled out in the consumer market by 2021.

Intel and Microsoft were said to work on “Centaurus.”, a foldable dual-screen version of the Surface PC.

Joshua Newman, Intel’s general manager of mobile innovation, confirmed that his company is setting some first footprints on the futuristic idea about foldable devices. Intel is partnering up with numerous pioneers in the tech industry, which is focusing on a similar plan like Samsung, Sharp or LG. As per Newman’s speech, Intel is getting to know more about the capability and the limitation of foldable technology. However, foldable laptops are supposed to take at least about two years to have a debut in the market.

Ahead of it, smartphone manufacturers like Samsung and Huawei have been making flexible phones, which are considered as the future products . During the recent months, two of the world’s largest phone makers are trying to make consumers believe that foldable devices like the Galaxy Fold and Mate X may offer a glimpse to the future. However, the Galaxy Fold screen failure made both of consumers and tech companies contemplate about the foldable devices. Unfortunately, the suspicion of a foldable phone is likely to not end when there were some reports showing that the Samsung Galaxy Fold was breaking just after two days so that Samsung had to delay the release of its $2000 tech piece.

Foldable devices are the trend in the tech industry.

Intel appears to be cautious about the latest display tech as Newman’s prediction said foldable laptops will not arrive before 2021. Foldable devices look amazing but it still remains unclear whether people are interested in them or find them useful with such kind of expense. Foldable display technology is still having initial stages and it seems to need the room for development.

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