India Will Have About 1 Billion Smartphone Subscriptions In 6 Years

Jyotis - Nov 28, 2018

India Will Have About 1 Billion Smartphone Subscriptions In 6 Years

In the list of top countries with the highest net smartphone subscription additions, India lies in the second position with 31 million additions.

On Tuesday, Ericsson reported that India would probably have about 1 billion smartphone subscriptions in 6 years – the year 2024. The total number of monthly mobile data traffic at that time would increase 4 times against that at present.

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The compound annual growth rate (also known as CAGR) regarding smartphone subscriptions in the Indian market will reach 10%, while the total Indian mobile subscribers may expand to 1.42 billion in 2024, more than 0.22 billion compared to that in 2018.

According to the Ericsson Mobility Report, in 6 years, there are approximately 7.2 billion smartphone subscriptions across the world. In the list of top countries with the highest net mobile subscription additions, China rank at the first position with the addition of 37 million new smartphone subscriptions. India lies in the second position with 31 million additions, followed by Indonesia with 13 million ones.

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Also in the report, the difference in the monthly mobile data traffic in the Indian market from 2018 to 2024 is expected to touch 9 exabytes (EB). The mobile data traffic per month in 2018 is now 3 EB. Every month of this year, a smartphone can consume 6.8 GB; however, the number will probably increase to 15 GB in 2024 with the CAGR of 14%.


Another forecast relating to the latest technology succeeding the 4G system - 5G - is that there will be about 1.5 billion 5G users until late 2024 and 5G will occupy over 40% of the total smartphone communication coverage in the world. This technology has several advantages over the present techniques such as surfing network more rapidly and saving more cost per GB.

As expected, North America and North-East Asia will become two leaders concerning the 5G deployment with 55% and over 43% of 5G subscribers, respectively. Compared to the same quarter in 2017, the mobile data traffic in the 3rd Quarter in 2018 reached almost 79% - the highest rate for 5 years.


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