Huawei's Hongmeng OS Is Said To Be 60% Faster Than Android

Saanvi Araav - Jul 01, 2019

Huawei's Hongmeng OS Is Said To Be 60% Faster Than Android

Just last week, executives of Huawei announced that their operating system - goes with the name Hongmeng OS - is almost ready to be released

Recently we have the announcement of Trump administration about the ban of US on services and products of Huawei. After that, the ban barred Huawei from conducting any business with tech companies in the US, such as Google/ Alphabet Inc. It is the one who owns the Android OS that Huawei's phones use. However, just a short time after that, the company revealed that they were working on an operating system of its own that will replace Android on its smartphones.

HongMeng OS Huawei

Just last week, executives of the company announced that their operating system - goes with the name Hongmeng OS - was almost ready to be released for the users. A few reports say that it could be around this year October.

Thanks to recent Google's extension, Huawei's smartphones will still have access to services of Android until this year August.

Vivo and Oppo have had their teams to try that new OS of Huawei out

Now according to a report from Global Times, the new Hongmeng OS would be 60% faster than the speed of current Android. Then, Vivo and Oppo have had their teams to try that new OS of Huawei out, and they found that the OS is indeed 60% faster.

Until we get the change to test it out by ourselves, we could not confirm that claim. Maybe that is just a marketing trick to build up hype for the Android OS's Chinese alternative.

It Is Coming

Moreover, from the report, we also know that Tencent has been working with EMUI team of Huawei to test out Hongmeng OS.

More: Huawei’s Own OS Will Reportedly Be Launched By Fall

Huawei has successfully registered the trademark in Canada, Cambodia, New Zealand, and South Korea

In the meantime, Huawei has summited for trademark its OS in Europe and nines other countries. According to WIPO's data, they have registered the trademark in Canada, Cambodia, New Zealand, and South Korea.

The report says that Huawei would use Hongmeng OS in their gadgets from portable computers, cars, televisions, and smartphones. Huawei plans to ship out around 225 millions new devices with Hongmeng OS in this year.

Read more: Huawei Said That It Could Deliver 250 Million HongMengOS Devices By The End Of This Year


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