Google Walkout: Thousands Of Employees In India Protest Sexual Harassment

Jyotis - Nov 02, 2018

Google Walkout: Thousands Of Employees In India Protest Sexual Harassment

A handful of Google employees feel upset with the company's handling the executives' sexual harassment misconduct. They are calling for fairness for women!

On Thursday, thousands of Google employees coming from over 40 its offices all over the world organized a Google walkout to be against the firm's handling the sexual harassment scandals.


What Google has done with the executives fired for sexual harassment has made its employees annoyed. As a proof, they organized a big walkout to protest the tech giant’s discrimination.

The walkout occurred at many offices worldwide, including Dublin, New York, London, Berlin, Tokyo, Zurich, and Singapore. Participants made a Twitter account @GoogleWalkout with hashtag #GoogleWalkout to continue updating the hot news from the event.


The same situation also happened in the firm’s headquarter in Mountain View, California when Google employees gathered at the building where Google CEO Sundar Pichai is working. They showed a lot of signs expressing their discontent, like “Stand up for Google women”, “Google men stand with Google women” or “What do I do at Google?


Some of these employees had the line “Black Lives Matter” on their shirts, while others wore “Protect! Respect! Defend!” shirts. They shouted the slogans like “Stand up! Fight back!” or “Time is up!”


The scale of the Google walkout is reportedly larger than it is expected. Celie O’Neil-Heart, one among the organizers shared.

According to the reporters at the scene, Google employees call the CEOs to bring “forced arbitration” relating to sexual harassment to an end as well as the report of sexual harassment transparency also needs giving in the public eye.

The Twitter account @Google Walkout For Real Change revealed that all of Google employees put a flier at their desks before they leave their offices.


In a report by the Times, Google required Andy Rubin to resign from his job when confirming the allegation of his sexual harassment with a female worker. However, the $90 million payouts Andy Rubin got has aroused the resentment of other workers.

Moreover, Google upper managers don’t have any move to prevent the demonstration although they know the results. According to Sundar Pichai, that means employees would have enough support to conduct the rally.

The Google CEO further said he understood the anger as well as the disappointment from his workers. He also confessed, “We didn’t always get it right.”


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