Former Spy Chief: Huawei Should Be Banned From 5G Networks In Canada


Former Spy Chief: Huawei Should Be Banned From 5G Networks In Canada

“Canada’s government should ignore the threats and ban Huawei from Canada’s 5G networks to protect the security of Canadians.”

On Monday, the former Canadian spy chief confirmed that Technologies Co Ltd from China, Huawei, should be banned from providing equipment to 5G networks in Canada. The reason behind it is due to the great security risks the company can bring to his country.

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According to Canadian officials, their country should consider the security issues of 5G networks which are the newest-generation technology for cellular networks.

Some allies of Canada have realized the possible risks of espionage when using the equipment manufactured by the Chinese multinational company and issued a ban over its products in their own countries.

On December 21, Ralph Goodale, the Minister of Public Safety, said to reporters that except for Huawei, there are some other tech companies that can provide equipment supporting 5G networks. However, the contents were not given in details.

Right after Meng Wanzhou was arrested, China has thrown two Canadian civilians in prison as a move to force Canada to release her. In addition, another Canadian received a sentence of 15-years imprisonment for his international drug trafficking and now he was sentenced to death.

Also on December 21, 143 former ambassadors and academics in the world wrote an open letter to Xi Jinping, China’s President asked him to release two of the three Canadians.

In his visit to China, Canada’s ambassador, John McCallum, talked about his first priorities at that time. They include freeing the 02 detainees and mitigating the punishment for the drug trafficker.

We will keep following the next part of this case and update the latest news as soon as possible. Let’s wait for the newest moves from these top countries in the world.