Elon Musk Fires Staff At Tesla Factory When He Is In Bad Mood

Indira Datta

Elon Musk Fires Staff At Tesla Factory When He Is In Bad Mood

'Dr. Elon & Mr. Musk' story became popular in the Tesla Gigafactory when the leader suddenly blushed and interrogated the workers immediately.

Perhaps everyone knows Elon Musk is an eccentric billionaire who revives the vision of electric cars and astronauts in the future. But if one was an employee of Tesla, there would not have been any peace of mind.

How can peace of mind work when you are an employee of an unpredictable leader who can fire an employee at any time for questionable reasons. The story brings up "Dr. Elon & Mr. Musk" became popular in the Tesla Gigafactory when the leader suddenly blushed and interrogated the workers immediately, sometimes even dismiss them at the time.

According to Wired, the rage has become more intense as Tesla is focusing on production targets on Model 3. A manager named the phenomenon "Elon's rage firings."

One employee told journalist Charles Duhigg that almost everyone working in Tesla had an abusive relationship with Elon. Many of the employees who are currently working and who have left at Tesla all say that sometimes Tesla is a bad place to work because of their unstable and erroneous behavior.

Although it is unclear whether Elon Musk's dismissal is true or false, the strategies he has put forward have produced good results for the company. According to a longtime Tesla lawyer, Todd Maron, Musk motivates you to be better and better than you think. Elon has very high standards and requires his staff to do the same, which is the motivation for his staff to become the best of themselves to stay at work.

According to some, Elon Musk is deeply concerned with the staff at his company. Due to the success of the whole company, he was forced to fire those who did not perform well, though he was heartbroken because of that.

A Tesla spokesman told Wired that there were some aspects of the story that were overly dramatic. And it's been cut so much that it's missing a lot of content that makes people misunderstand the story.

After a special visit to the Gigafactory floor, many executives called Musk into a conference room to talk and calm him down. But Elon said that there was an unpleasant smell that made him unable to concentrate. Then he came up with a veering speed that diverted some people's minds and inspired some others.

Tesla's chief executive told Wired that it was a typical Wednesday and that it would continue to be the same until the day he quit.

As a result, people have suggested that Musk has a bit of childishness through the story of the unstable behavior of Elon Musk. Although he has done extraordinary things, a picture of a company behaving badly with employees has been drawn up.