Discord Will Soon Apply 90/10 Revenue Split For Self-published Games On Its Games Store

Karamchand Rameshwar

Discord, a popular gaming communication platform, announced that it will soon apply 90/10 revenue split for self-published game titles on its game store.

The standard revenue split for game distribution platforms in the game industry is under a lot of changes. For many years, game stores, for example, Steam, have enjoyed a 30 percent cut of every game sale. Valve, owner of Steam, recently changed that. Discord, a popular communication platform for gamers, also launched its own Game Store in October with the traditional 70/30 revenue split. However, it just announced that it is pursuing a very competitive 90/10 revenue split for self-published game titles. They are planning to apply this change in 2019.

Discord's game store

Last week, Fortnite maker Epic Games just launched its Game Store promising an 88% revenue share for developers in the platform. Both Discord and Epic Games are trying to attract developers with very competitive revenue shares to compete with the leading game platform Steam.

Discord said that its store split would apply to all types of developer. Steam also recently changed their revenue structure to tiered ones that incentivize bigger games, and it will also consider reducing its fee to even lower in the future.

Of course, Steam will probably remain as the leader game distribution platform for quite a while, but competitions from Discord and Epic Games and other platforms are still very good as it can help developers get a much better revenue share.