After Even Its CEO’s Account Was Hacked, Twitter Turned Off Tweet Via SMS Feature

Jyotis - Sep 06, 2019

After Even Its CEO’s Account Was Hacked, Twitter Turned Off Tweet Via SMS Feature

The famous social networking service Twitter announced that it would temporarily disable the feature that allows users to tweet via SMS messages on their smartphones.

A few days ago, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey finally became a victim of hacking – the news must make many of us both surprised and somewhat funny. On September 05, the famous social networking service announced that it would temporarily disable the feature that allows users to tweet via SMS messages on their smartphones.

The company sent a notification after detecting its CEO's account was hacked.

Although this feature is not the first priority of Twitter users, they sometimes compose text messages to tweet on their account.

According to Twitter Support:

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Last week, hackers attacked the account of Jack Dorsey and published a series of tweets showing profanity, racial slurs, as well as praise for Germany dictator Adolf Hitler. These hackers call themselves the “Chuckling Squad.”

Jack Dorsey’s account was hacked in a ‘SIM swapping’ attack (also known as ‘SIM jacking’). This kind of attack sends a victim’s phone number to another SIM card and allows hackers to control it. That is how the hackers mentioned above applied to post new tweets via SMSes on his account.

Twitter decides to temporarily disable its ability to tweet via text messages.

Twitter said:

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In a previous statement, the company also pointed out the phone number Dorsey used to connect with his account was vulnerable because of the mobile provider’s security observation. It said:

Quote 1


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