Blockchain Finally Will Soon Applied In India By The Reserve Bank of India

Author - Oct 23, 2018

Blockchain Finally Will Soon Applied In India By The Reserve Bank of India

The Reserve Bank of India has shown their interest in the blockchain technology, which slightly surprises people in the country.

A few days ago, the Reserve Bank of India has shown their interest in the blockchain technology, which slightly surprises people in the country as well as most of the blockchain entrepreneurs.

The Reserve Bank of India

Reserve Bank of India has been against the cryptocurrency for a while. Contrary to their anti-cryptocurrency opinion, recently the Reserve Bank of India is considering letting a big non-profit group in the country use the blockchain technology in several development areas of the nation.

On October 16th, the twitter account of the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) has posted a tweet announcing a surprising statement. According to the post, a blockchain committee is being formed by the IAMAI. The technology will be used for any tasks that it has the ability to handle, as well as identifying which aspects will need it to be applied.

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In addition, the IAMAI claimed that they are going to work with the India government as well as startups to develop this technology. Therefore, it is not only just a work of bringing one of the most effective systems at the moment to help solving business problems in India, but also a good opportunity for people to be employed.

On the other hand, IAMAI’s work is hoped to give chances for professionals in India to improve their current skills.

Chairman of the blockchain committee Tina Sigh answered the Economic Times blockchain definitely is a futuristic technology. The system has the ability of decentralization various business areas, as well as handling accountability and trust-related problems.

Blockchain system

However, despite blockchain technology’s amazing benefits, intervention from authorities’ regulations as well as the India government and corporates is still needed to help the system enter the mainstream. Hence, the technology will be able to become more effective and take part in any business process it can involve.


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