SpaceX Closes 2018 With Its Military GPS Satellite Launching

Harin - Dec 24, 2018

SpaceX Closes 2018 With Its Military GPS Satellite Launching

This Sunday, SpaceX has succeeded in launching the US Airforce’s first ever Global Positioning System (GPS) III satellite.

This Sunday, SpaceX launched successfully the US Airforce’s first ever Global Positioning System (GPS) III satellite. This morning, the satellite called Vespucci was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida. This mision was the first US national security mission of SpaceX.

Originally, the company had wanted to complete its last mission of 2018 earlier this week. However, due to heavy winds, the launch needed to be delayed.

In 2016, the aerospace company secured the National Security Space (NSS) contract with the US Air Force. SpaceX’s intention is to launch four GPS III missions on the company’s two-step rocket, the Falcon 9.

Spacex Elon Musk Falcon 9 Rocket Launch Telesat Te

The GPS is a property of the US military. And the Air Force is in charge of its operation. It was first built in the Cold War. Since mid-2000s, it has been utilized for businesses. Lockheed Martin built the new GPS satellites, which, according to the aerospace company will offer three times more accuracy than the current GPS system and eight times better anti-jamming.

In its statement, SpaceX wrote that:


The year 2018 is a thriving year for SpaceX as the company has succeeded in launching 21 missions, compared to 18 missions in 2017. The aerospace company was founded by Elon Musk in 2002. SpaceX is reportedly raising $500 million to help its Starlink internet service project funding. With this project, the company aims to launch 11,000 satellites in order to enhance internet connectivity across the world.

To watch the live stream of Global Positioning System (GPS) III satellite launching, you can visit this website.


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