A CyberCrime Cell May Be Soon Available in Indian Railways


That aims to avoid leveraging the automation software on its website designed to book tickets, in a wrong way.

According to some revelations on Monday, a cybercrime cell may be soon available in Indian Railways. That aims to avoid leveraging the automation software on its website designed to book tickets, in a wrong way.

A committee has been established to confirm the feasibility of this cell when it is assembled into the Railway Board. The committee includes six members who are working as engineers in a lot of different fields such as CRIS, information systems, computerization, signaling and telecommunication, and a vigilance officer and security officials. In the next three months, they will offer their report to the board.

In 2018, Parliament got the report from the railways saying that according to their request, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology had blocked nearly 20 websites regarding misusing the automation software on www.irctc.co.in. The exact amount of these websites was 19.

The case is supposed to originate from when a staffer at the Central Bureau of Investigation or CBI for short had been arrested due to his partnership with travel agents to conduct an illegal e-ticket racket.

For further information, the culprit booked over one thousand tickets via only one portal at a time by an outlawed software. And that made all of the Indians shocked.

The new cybercrime cell is expected to tackle all issues relating to the cybercrime we have now faced. The rollout time of this cell has not been uncovered.

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