How To Repost Instagram Content - Easiest Ways To Share Stories, Photos And Videos

Anil - Jun 10, 2020

How To Repost Instagram Content - Easiest Ways To Share Stories, Photos And Videos

There aren’t any specific buttons or options on Instagram that will lead you straight to this. Therefore, it’s time to download another app to repost Instagram stuff.

Sharing posts on Instagram is usually considered to be quite a hassle for users as there aren’t any direct buttons or guidelines for that on the app. As such, many people are struggling with How to repost Instagram stuff, such as stories, photos, videos. 

To help you overcome such confusion, we have created a tutorial for you to follow and successfully share Instagram posts without violating any rules of the developers. 

How to repost Instagram - Ask for permission

It is very important to contact the owner of the post for permission before reposting it. Doing that will help you avoid being punished by violating the copyright law in Instagram’s community guidelines.

Although reposting pictures is very easy, Instagram implies that it’s better and safer for users to ask for permission before deciding to share anything on the platform.

How To Repost Instagram 2
Instagram implies that it’s better and safer for users to ask for permission before deciding to share anything on the platform.

The next effective move, in our opinion, is to wait and see if the owner of the post will give you their permission after contacting. Moreover, it’s better if you include an image credit in the post, don’t just tag the owner. 

How to repost Instagram - Download an app

There aren’t any specific buttons or options on Instagram that will lead you straight to this. Therefore, it’s time to download another app to assist you. Don’t worry, many of them are free. There are some popular ones such as Repost+ for iOS and Regram Posts for Android. But you can choose whatever you want. 

How To Repost Instagram Repost App 1
There are some popular ones such as Repost+ for iOS and Regram Posts for Android.

When finished downloading and got permission as well, launch Instagram and go to the post you want to share. For iOS, press “...” icon → Share → Copy Link.

For Android, press “Copy Share URL”.

How to repost Instagram - Repost 

Now, launch the reposting app you’ve just downloaded, the app will then scan your copy clipboard for the post’s link. Once finished, you’ll see the post that you want to share there. In case it’s not there, you can paste it somewhere else.

The app will give out a number of options, including choosing a spot on the screen for the attribution mark, or whether you want to include the owner’s caption in the post. It’s not a must, but in case you’re fond of the caption, then feel free to copy it. 

How To Repost Instagram 3
You can also edit the attached images with filters, but be careful, if you get warned with the copyright law, those images should stay original.

When you’re done with those steps above, you will then see yourself back to the Instagram screen. You can choose whether to repost it on your newsfeed or on your story, which we have created a simple tutorial to follow below. Moreover, you can also edit the attached images with filters, but be careful, if you get warned with the copyright law, those images should stay original. 

Create an Instagram story by sharing a post from your feed

This is way much easier than reposting as there are no additional apps or going through a long list of steps. To do this, hit the arrow icon on the right of the comment button on the post, then choose “Add post to your story”. You can “decorate” your story with a song, a gif, a sticker, and many other things. Finally, hit Send To → Share to Your Story → Done. 

How To Repost Instagram 6
You can share Instagram stories only when the post owner’s Instagram profile is in public mode and you got their permission.

Still, we have to remind you that you can do this only when the post owner’s Instagram profile is in public mode and you got their permission. If you don’t mind people resharing your post, head to your Instagram profile, then choose the hamburger menu. Then follow these steps: Settings → Privacy → Story → Allow Resharing to Stories. 

Do I need permission to repost on Instagram?

In a word, if you do get permission to repost, you should always make sure that you post image credit. Simply tagging someone in a post is not enough.

According to Instagram's Community Guidelines, "The best way to help make sure that the content you post to Instagram doesn’t violate copyright law is to only post content that you’ve created yourself."

How To Repost Instagram 4
If you do get permission to repost, you should always make sure that you post image credit.

However, Instagram also says, "You might also be able to use someone else’s content on Instagram if you’ve gotten permission (for example, a license), or if your use is covered by fair use or some other exception to copyright."

The guidelines then get a little vague. "It’s generally a good idea to get permission before posting content, and to get that permission in writing."

That's all about How to repost Instagram. We hope you guys will have a good time with this amazing social media! 

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