Twitter Now Lets You Upload Images With Original Quality

Anil Singh

Twitter said it will preserve the quality of JPEG images to make things look great. 

A major problem that makes many users feel uncomfortable when using social media is that they cannot upload their JPEG photos with the original quality. This happens on every popular platform like Facebook or Instagram– but recently Twitter said it will preserve the quality of JPEG images to make things look great.

The micro-blogging site said it will preserve the quality of JPEG images to make things look great.

In particular, the micro-blogging platform will noticeably improve not only the overall quality of JPEGs but also their sharpness. Also, Twitter won’t convert them to any other formats or scale down the quality when having them on the platform. Meanwhile, it’s necessary for image previewing to come with a light-loading approach to minimize the annoying latency when users surf the post feed.

The platform won’t convert them to any other formats or scale down the quality when having them on the platform.

As clarified by a user, this feature will soon take place in various categories of images, such as users' avatars. What’s more, Twitter will retain the bitmap encoding instead of keeping the metadata of images uploaded by users. This privacy-focused clarification seems very important for people because of the sensitive data and information, which has been attached to the metadata. The same handling is expected to support other image formats like PNG.

For those who love preserving the crisp quality of uploaded images, Twitter now becomes a more dedicated place to post original stuff. Some users are thinking about how they could zoom photos without open them up in new tabs – so they’re also looking forward to having such a feature.

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