Now You Can Stream YouTube And Spotify While Driving Tesla


It seems like a piece of great news for Tesla drivers, isn’t it?

Recently, Tesla has officially announced a new feature namely “Caraoke” in their vehicles.

According to Tesla on Thursday, the newest software update, or Version 10, will be soon released to Tesla customers. The update has many great features, especially during the cars’ parking or charging process.


Of course, Tesla also wants to take any trendy feature.

As promised by Elon Musk a few months ago, there will be streaming of Netflix, Spotify, and Youtube as long as they are able to connect to WiFi on Tesla cars. In addition, there will be an integration of Spotify in Tesla products.

Tesla will also announce the presence of its games such as Cuphead on Tesla Arcade, as well as the upcoming "Tesla Theater" where users can access to various streaming videos. Of course, Caraoke offers an interesting interface with playing music and lyrics so that you can sing along the way.


Tesla cars can stream YouTube and Netflix.

Also, there will be a Summon feature that allows you to summon your vehicle if the parked vehicle is within your sight. This feature will be available for Full Self-Driving or Enhanced Autopilot functions.

Some more updates will include the streamline Sentry feature, as well as the incredible "Joe mode" which allows you to reduce the volume of noisy parking sounds and other annoying warnings if you get babies sleeping in your car.

The Tesla Model X in black.

Tesla has also updated some features for its mobile app such as climate control, car unlocks and more other options. For now, you can remotely control different actions on Model 3/X via the app.

The software update is expected to come to the cars with "Full Self-Driving" versions. Other updates will soon be available within a week.

It seems like a piece of great news for Tesla drivers, isn’t it?

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