Huawei Wearables Shipments Rocketed By 282% In The First Quarter Of 2019

Maya Bhagat - Jun 01, 2019

Huawei Wearables Shipments Rocketed By 282% In The First Quarter Of 2019

Although Apple gets No. 1 position in the global wearables market, Huawei's shipment in 2019’s first quarter is 282.2% higher than that of last year.

Huawei wearable devices global shipment is increasing sharply.

Showing the performance of Apple and Huawei, IDC – the market researcher pointed out that although Apple gets No. 1 position in the global wearables market, Huawei's shipment in 2019’s first quarter is 282.2% higher than that of last year. IDC also mentioned the statistic of 49.5 % as Apple’s annual growth.

Huawei wearable devices global shipment is increasing sharply

The IDC Worldwide Quarterly Wearables Tracker reported the wearables market share of three tech giants. The top one is Apple with 26%, followed by Xiaomi with 13% and Huawei with 10%. The next positions are Samsung’s 9% and Fitbit’s 6%with the year-over-year growth rate of 152% and 36% respectively.

In 2019’s first quarter, the wearables shipment quantity was about 50 million ones from many different brands. Specifically, they are Apple’s 12.8 million, Xiaomi’s 6.6 million, Huawei’s 5 million, Samsung’s 4.3 million, Fitbit’s 2.9 million and the others’ 18 million.

IDC stated that the sales of wearables are increasing because some wireless ear devices such as Galaxy Buds, Beats headphones and AirPods are more and more popular.

Worldwide top 5 wearables companies' market share in 2019Q1, according to IDC

According to Jitesh Ubrani, research manager of IDC Mobile Device Trackers, the ear-worn wearables’ development is the result of headphone jacks’ elimination and smart assistant application everywhere.

IDC reported that Xiaomi Mi Band wearables make its reputation; on the other hand, Samsung and Huawei ear-worn devices go with the phones.

In terms of only wrist wearables and smartwatches, Xiaomi’s almost 11% is the highest market share globally, followed by Apple’s 9%, Huawei’s 8%, Fitbit’s about 6% and Samsung’s 4%.

Saying about Huawei’s outlook, IDC believes there may be changes in the wearables business due to the uncertain smartphone company’s future.

At the beginning of May, a host of Huawei networking gear was blacklisted in the US. To ensure national security, an executive order was signed by President Donald Trump to ban Huawei.

To ensure national security, an executive order was signed by President Donald Trump to ban Huawei

Although the US eases its restrictions on the company temporarily, this affects it seriously as it is isolated from others. In spite of being allowed to update existing devices in 3 months, Huawei cannot update Google’s Android. Huawei products cannot be found on Amazon Japan. Similarly, the company’s MateBook laptops are out of Microsoft’s online store.

Moreover, this also affects Huawei scientists. They are not allowed to get access to science papers whose origin is the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – the publisher located in the US.

On Tuesday, US court received Huawei’s motion objecting to US legislation which prevents federal agencies from buying its devices and asserting it is unconstitutional.

It is said that the Chinese giant does not introduce "Hongmeng" – Huawei’s OS immediately. It depends on whether Android is removed from Huawei devices forever or not.

On Friday last week, Trump had a public statement that Huawei’s blacklist can be used to upgrade the trade tensions between China and America.



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