Died In India, This Cryptocurrency CEO Brought Passwords To C$190 Million To Grave

Jyotis - Feb 11, 2019

Died In India, This Cryptocurrency CEO Brought Passwords To C$190 Million To Grave

How to retrieve passwords which hold all the assets of Quadriga CX & C$ 190 million may gain more attention from the world, rather than the CEO's death.

In 2013, Gerald Cotton founded Quadriga CX that is a cryptocurrency exchange platform in Canada. A few days ago, he suddenly passed away in India while planning to build an orphanage.


Gerald Cotton, Quadriga CX CEO, has passed away in India.

However, shocking news has not ended yet. Apart from Cotton, no one knows passwords which protecting Quadriga CX’s customer money worth C$190 million. In other words, this amount of investors may be a big “zero” if the cryptocurrency company doesn’t find how to retrieve these passwords. It must not be what the investors want to hear at this time.

On December 09 2018, Gerald Cotton, Quadriga CX CEO, under the age of 30, was beaten by complications of Crohn’s disease. His death was only revealed when Jennifer Robertson (Cotton’s wife) and his company submitted for credit protection.

Ceo Of Canadian Crypto Exchange Quadrigacx Filed W

How to retrieve passwords which hold all the assets of Quadriga CX & C$ 190 million may gain more attention from the world, rather than the CEO's death.

According to what Robertson said, she couldn’t find any passwords, as well as business records to unlock the amount of C$190 million mentioned above. The company had to look for experts with the hope to hack the CEO’s smartphones and computers; however, the results may not be really satisfactory.

This has sparked a series of conspiracy theories on Reddit and many other online forums, saying that this cryptocurrency CEO may be still alive and flee with the cryptocurrency cash. These theories are not impossible; however, we will have to wait for some time to know the truth behind it.


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