Some Apps Won't Work On Windows Phone Anymore After April 30

Saanvi Araav

Accordingly, Facebook will stop supporting completely  Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger applications for Windows Phone from the 30th of April.

Recently we have heard the rumour that Facebook is pulling out its apps from the dying platform of Windows Phone. Accordingly, Facebook will stop supporting completely  Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger applications for Windows Phone from the 30th of April. This rumour was confirmed by a Microsoft spokesperson just a few days ago. WhatsApp also belongs to Facebook but for the moment we haven't got any information on whether they will pull out the support for WhatsApp too or not.

Leaving the platform

In fact, we are not very surprised about Facebook's decision to end the operation support for Messenger, Facebook, and Instagram since the platform of Windows Phone itself was officially killed. The exact number of active users on the platform is still a secret.

WindowsCentral was the first to report about the first pulling out decision from Facebook for Instagram. In the article, they mentioned that the Instagram app on Windows Phone has sent out notifications to all the active users. That is also what some users have posted about on a subReddit about Windows Phone. They said that the app told them the operation support will end on the 30th of April.

The pullout is confirmed

After that, a spokesperson from Microsoft has officially confirmed in an interview with Engadget about the pullout. However, not just Instagram but they will also pull out the plug on Messenger and Facebook app on the Windows Phone platform on the 30th of April. Since the official death of the platform, we have seen many major third-party apps withdraw from its.

The giant Microsoft has officially announced that Windows Phone is dead back in 2016 following the fact that sale numbers are in the red for a long time already. Microsoft even stopped supporting software and security for the platform since December of last year. As the moment, WhatsApp only supports Windows 10 Mobile Os and Windows Phone 8.1, but soon Facebook would pull the plug on the messaging app on Microsoft Store too.

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