Another Spy App Gets Suspended From App Store By Apple

Ravi Singh

Assistenza SIM, an App Store app, was found stealing users’ contacts, photos, videos, and real-time location data.

Assistenza SIM, an app made by spyware developer Conexxa, recently was un-installable on iOS devices. Researchers from the US-based IT security enterprise Lookout exposed that Assistenza SIM could users’ contacts, photos, videos, and real-time location data. Moreover, it could even remotely tap people’s phone calls.

After the scandal reached Apple, the company immediately revoked Assistenza’s enterprise certificate and made it unable to be installed on any iOS device.

However, accurate figures on the exact number of users targeted by this app and the amount of information accessed remain an unknown quantity.

Back in 2018, an earlier version of this app on Android was caught gaining root access to hundreds of users’ smartphones. By that way, developers could read not only Wifi password but also users’ email and data from various apps like Gmail, Facebook, Viber, WhatsApp, and WeChat. In consequence, Lookout immediately contacted Google and together working on removing the app from Play Store.

During that time, both iOS and Android apps have disguised themselves as those developed by Turkmenistan and Italian mobile operators. They feigned to be carrier helpline apps that help users contact operators.

Among doubts about the App Store’s policies and Apple’s security system, Assistenza SIM is not the only app trying to make use of such a loophole. There’s a bunch of illicit apps using enterprise certificates to go undetected. They offer gambling, porn, pirated content, and other types of material that are normally not allowed under App Store guidelines.

Facebook, recently, caught Apple’s eye when it started to pay people for installing a “Facebook Research” VPN, which siphoned users’ web and private phone data without permission.

Apart from Facebook, Google was another subject to be found running a similar programme. Apple, in response, briefly withdraw the certificate that Facebook and Google use to push updates to their apps.

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