You Have To Try These Tricks With Goolge Home

SachinSangwan - Sep 30, 2019

You Have To Try These Tricks With Goolge Home

For Google Home devices, you may have mastered basic commands such as playing games, creating routines, and playing music, which you can perform quickly.

For Google Home devices, you may have mastered basic commands such as playing games, creating routines, and playing music, which you can perform quickly. Are you ready to go deeper and come across some hidden skills of Google Home? The good news is the list containing commands of Google Home keeps on growing and is expanding the ability of devices constantly to help you do more tasks throughout the day.


If you want to speak less when Google Home does tasks, or if you want it to announce something to the entire home, or repeat itself, there are now commands for those needs, along with more to be revealed in this article. So here are a few less popular tricks and tips you should try.

Google, say that again?

The best thing about Google Home is that it helps to do more, while you are doing way too much already. In some situations, whenever you ask a question to Google, due to some background noise or any other thing, you may get disturbed or distracted or even forget to listen to its answer.


Now, you just need to say "OK Google, can you repeat that more slowly?" Google Assistant will repeat the response. The difference is that Google will then enunciate answer slowly and nicely this time. So, catch it despite the prevailing situations.

Google, can you zip it up?

Lats summer, Google Home began confirming each task verbally. Just ask it to turn the lights of the living room off, it would definitely respond "Turning off the lights." Although, it happens after lights were off already.

In case you want less conversation and more action from the Google Home, you can try this workaround: create a routine.

Step 1. From the application of Google Home, tap 'Routines' and then tap 'Manage Routines.'

Step 2. Click "+" for adding a routine.

Step 3. Tap on "Add Commands," under "When I say…" (this is needed).

Step 4. In the field "When I say…," type the phrase that you want to be used as a trigger. For instance, "Turn on the AC" or "Unlock the front door," or if do not wish Google to chime, or "Turn on the living room lights."

Step 5. In the field "Google Assistant should…," enter the command that you wish to be executed. It may be similar or same to trigger that has been entered in the "When I say…" For instance, "Unlock the front door," "Turn on lights of the living room."

Step 6. Now, tap on Save which is in the right corner, upper side.


If you just say "OK Google" and followed by "Unlock front door" or "Turn on lights," Google Assistant will open the lock or cut lights, but it would not cause any problem with any recap.


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