Tips & Tricks You Should Know About iPhone Battery

Karamchand Rameshwar - May 29, 2019

Tips & Tricks You Should Know About iPhone Battery

Here are some basic tips & tricks you can use for your iPhone battery that can help you to get better battery life on your iPhone.

Even though the iPhone devices have long been known for offering great battery life, many users still concern about iPhone battery life. There are a lot of users have been searching for tips & tricks on how to optimize and use the iPhones properly to get the best battery life and prolong the battery. However, some of which are wrong and make people misunderstand. Therefore, in this article, I will share some interesting information about iPhone battery that you should know.

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Both hot and cold temperatures are harmful to the battery

This is the right advice about iPhone battery since extremely high or very low temperatures are harmful to the battery, but each condition has different effects.

High temperatures can cause permanent damage to your phone's battery. Therefore, you should remember to always use the phone in cool weather with temperatures between 16-22 degrees Celsius. If your iPhone is used when the temperature is higher than 35 degrees Celsius, software from Apple may prevent it from charging over 80% to avoid damage.

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When your iPhone is in a low-temperature environment, the battery will drain faster. However, the battery life will return to normal when the phone is at the right temperature. There is no long-term battery damage if you use your phone often in cold environments.

Poor mobile service causes battery drain

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This advice is actually accurate because, at any time, the iPhone always tries to keep the connection with the telecommunication network provider. Therefore, the device will continuously perform network scanning at all times. If the coverage is good, there will be no problem with the battery. But in place with no coverage, you should switch to airplane mode to save more battery for iPhone. At that time, the phone will stop searching for the service and will reduce the pressure on the battery.

Charging iPhone overnight is bad for your iPhone battery

This is one of the most popular misconceptions about iPhone battery. Inside any cable with MFi certification (Made For iPhone/iPad /iPod) is a chip designed to control the power input for supported devices. If you plug the iPhone into an MFi-certified charger overnight, there will be no battery damage or faster battery performance degradation.

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However, if you plan not to use the iPhone for a long time, you should charge it up to 50%, then turn off the device and leave it in a dry place without too low or too high temperatures. You should also remember to recharge them up to 50% after every 6 months when not using.

You should drain the battery to calibrate the iPhone battery

It continues is a "very wrong" concept about iPhone battery. According to experts, nickel-cadmium battery often encounters a problem called memory effect. If you charge and drain the battery consistently, the battery will begin to "forget" where the highest and lowest points are. To avoid that situation, you should completely discharge the battery and then fully charge it to 100% at least once a month. However, the iPhone no longer uses a nickel-cadmium battery.

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Modern iPhone batteries are made from lithium ion. They are lighter, more efficient, more durable and stronger even at smaller sizes. The "memory effect" issue does not appear on lithium-ion batteries. You do not need to discharge the battery and fully charge it like before. Please charge the iPhone battery whenever you want, as long as not letting the battery too low, causing a power collapse for the device.

We have just presented to you some useful tips & tricks about the iPhone battery life. Hopefully, they are helpful to you and help you to get good ideas of how to get good battery life.


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