Xiaomi Reveals How It Will Fix The Annoying Ads Problem In MIUI

Dhir Acharya

Despite being loved in India, Xiaomi has been criticized for irritating ads in MIUI, users have gone on Twitter to ask the company to fix this.

Xiaomi is currently among the biggest smartphone players in India because it provides great hardware at low prices. However, no matter how much they’re loved in this market, they have faced criticism from users for placing annoying ads in its MIUI. The ads show up so much that in almost every Twitter announcement, there are fan responses asking the company to turn them off.

Now, it appears that the complaints from users have put enough pressure on Xiaomi, causing the phone maker to take actions. Lei Jun, Xiaomi's CEO, issued a statement saying that the Chinese brand was working to fix this problem.

Users are complaining about MIUI ads

As per Jun, the company is making changes to its policy in terms of annoying advertisements. It’s about the right time for some adjustments considering that Xiaomi is also developing MIUI 11, the next version of its own operating system, based on Android. Now, as stated by a recent post from Xiaomi Chief for MIUI Experience and Product Director, there have been details shared about its work. In particular, the brand has omitted lots of ads space from MIUI 11, and more advertising space will be removed from the OS in the next two months.

Also, the post said that is fighting vulgar and irritating ads by looking at contents that are pushing through notifications. A staff member revealed that the web browser was promoting notifications and vulgar ads. The post stressed that restricting these browser notifications blocked the vulgar advertisements.

Taking strict actions to tackle Xiaomi MIUI ads

Xiaomi will fix the ads problem in MIUI 11


It was also revealed by the company that the browser now has feedback to limit vulgar ads, but it will take two to three months to complete. Plus, Xiaomi is regulating all kinds of ads across its operating system. Accordingly, advertisers are required to make sure that the ads are clean offering fast download. If anyone doesn’t comply with the guidelines, their ads will be canceled and they will be suspended, the advertisement account can be closed.

Furthermore, Xiaomi is spending the effort to make sure that it can remove ads from all tools around the system. According to the post, it will be easier for users to block the ads in the UI, and they will do this for free. Finally, the post revealed the time for this change is around three months. The result will be the refreshing, light-weight MIUI 11.

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