Samsung To Create Ultra-High-Resolution 600MP Camera Sensors


Samsung To Create Ultra-High-Resolution 600MP Camera Sensors

If successful, these 600MP camera sensors can beat human eyes in terms of image resolution.

Samsung has introduced a bunch of camera sensor modules for its smartphone lineup and the latest one has been integrated into the flagship Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra. Now, the company even goes public with further improvements for future 600MP camera sensors. 

600mp Camera Sensors 3
To your surprise, most advanced image sensors in smartphones and DSLR cameras offer only 12MP and 40MP.

As confirmed by Samsung’s senior manager Yongin Park, the company is developing some types of camera sensors that could have resolutions as high as 600MP. Those are even higher than the ability of human eyes as they’re said to match a resolution of around 500MP. 

To your surprise, most advanced image sensors in smartphones and DSLR cameras offer only 12MP and 40MP. It seems that the Korean tech giant has gone a long way towards revolutionizing the camera industry when it comes to the capability of making ultra-high-resolution cameras in the future. 

Smaller pixels technically can reduce image quality.

As such, Samsung is working on different technologies for pixel binning to make its project one step closer to reality. Smaller pixels technically can reduce image quality, for example, its 64MP sensors come packed with 2x2 pixel binning while 3x3 pixel binning is used for 108MP sensors.

With new enhancements, the upcoming 600MP camera sensors might be able to increase much light absorption and mitigate other issues as well. 

600MP camera sensors.

Samsung aims to use such a sensor not only in smartphone-related businesses but also in a variety of areas, including medical equipment and agricultural fields. In addition, Park added that his team is also working on sensors that can identify tastes and smells.