Why Your PUBG Mobile Account Is Banned And What To Do

SachinSangwan - Sep 30, 2019

Why Your PUBG Mobile Account Is Banned And What To Do

If you're a passionate PUBG Mobile player, spending a lot of time and effort in the game, make sure you have done everything right to avoid being banned.

How strict is the ban?

Okay, so you are a great fan of PUBG Mobile and busy playing it most of the time. Besides, you secured a reputed rank and has enough confidence in your skills. Here we have some tips for you so that you can avoid your PUBG account from being banned. Definitely, you won't be ready to sacrifice your Royal Pass and UC credits that you've earned with lots of effort while you may also lose your user name.


Short-term ban

Basically, there are bans on PUBG Mobile accounts that last for a short period, one or two days. On the contrary, there are some serious violations which may result in a permanent ban of your account.

Some of the reasons for the short-term account ban may include killing your own teammates as well as using inappropriate language and behavior via voice chat during the game. There is a feature named "user report," via which anyone can report you, and you would not even get to know who reported your account.

Permanent ban

Violations like bug abuse, cheat codes, playing or accessing PUBG Mobile game by using third party apps may lead to the permanent ban. Players often use third-party apps to enhance their control and gameplay. Various PUBG players have complaints of their account being banned for 3650 days. It's not a joke; your account could be ban for ten years.

Of course, you do not want all your hard work to be a waste. Actually, the ban mentioned above as a result of the Octopus application that you have used to enhance the firing in the game. So, now you better have an idea of what to do and not to do.


Why say NO to PUBG Mobile cheat codes and hacks

PUBG Mobile relies on advanced and sophisticated anti-cheat codes. No player is able to bypass this, which is ensured by the developer team. So, why to interfere in-between work of the developers and spoil their work who are devoting their mind, knowledge, and time to give you the best experience of gaming? So keep this thing in mind as it is healthy and responsible for all players to follow all the rules and not to violate the terms of use.


What to do if your account is banned

The PUBG team is a bit strict and bans PUBG Mobile account if someone violates the terms of use which they have agreed upon while downloading the game.

Tencent provides a feature when the account is banned. They provide a provision of filing a claim.  Use the 'File Claim' button, in case you feel that neither terms are violated on your part nor you used third party applications for enhancement of gaming skills. So, this plays the role of an appeal to Tencent to restore your account.

In some cases, the accounts may get wrongly banned. Although, this happens rarely. It that occurs to you, you can repeal to have your account recovered. Keep in mind that if you fail in proving that you haven't violated terms of use, it will be of no use. The chances are quite low. But the only possible option to recover a banned account is this.


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