How Mobile Technologies Changed Online Casinos

Aadhya Khatri

We all would agree that no other thing has influenced the online space other than the mobile phone. Mobile phone technology, ever since its invention, has made things easy.

Once upon a time, slow and steady won the race. Nowadays, fast and rising are words that describe growth. Worldwide, we have seen rapid growth in many industries in the past decade. A kind of change that has never been before in history.

In the online casino, we have witnessed such a terrifying speed in growth. Every invention in online technology brings with it something new in the gambling market. As of now, we have seen lots of changes that we love so much.

We all would agree that no other thing has influenced the online space other than the mobile phone. Mobile phone technology, ever since its invention, has made things easy. And now with the sophistication of our phones, the level of functionality available to players is on the rise.  That level of complexity has resulted in access to sites from mobile phones without desktops.

The overall growth is evident in the increasing number of online casinos. If you were to check the number of online casinos for mobile phones on, you would find a long list.  Interestingly, the numbers keep increasing as mobile technology continues to play a significant role in the growth of online casinos.

As you read, you will understand how mobile technologies have changed online casinos.

Mobile Casinos

There was a time in the past when all we had were handsets. For those who can remember, it was the time in the past before we had smartphones. It was that period in history when we didn’t have the recent Android Vs iPhone war. It’s funny how it’s hard to remember this period, but then, they did exist.

The differences between what we call the smartphone right now and the handset of then are numerous. However, the important ones include access to the internet and access to a wide variety of applications.

Leveraging on these two key features, online casinos have come up with what they call mobile casinos. Developers can now create applications that can work on Android, iOS, and desktop devices. The applications are then deployed on the internet for all to download and use.

Players can get these applications to work due to the “smartness” of these phones. That is the interaction between these applications and the internet. The smooth touch screen system of our smartphones allows for easy navigation and operation of these applications. It makes the whole experience convenient and worthwhile.

HTML5 Technology

Recently, Apple entered into the online casino market following in the shoes of many big names like them. This led to the creation of some big innovations in space. One of such innovations is the HTML5 technology.

Before its invention, it was a challenge to have applications run with the same efficiency on mobile and desktop platforms. This was not just a problem in online casinos; it was a general issue that affected other use case scenarios. For casinos, it meant, they had to create multiple applications on each platform for every game. Considering how inefficient and laborious that would be, many casinos settled for the online version only.

However, with HTML5, games are now compatible with mobile and desktop with just the same experience.

All thanks to HTML5, developers can make big plans on all their platforms. To some extent, this has seen desktop software less appealing.

All thanks to HTML5, developers can make big plans on all their platforms.

Mobile gaming and online casino popularity

To check the impacts of mobile technology on the online casino sector, we need to see the numbers. In 2014, just when smartphone usage started to get famous, the gaming industry was worth 25 billion dollars. Compared with the previous year, this figure saw a 42% increase. In 2018, the industry doubled its size to a total worth of 50 billion dollars. That level of growth is simply outstanding, and the only explanation is mobile phones.

Gaming on mobile phones comes with an idea of convenience. That is, the fact that players can always play their favorite games whenever they want. And so, more people found online gaming as a viable option.

Looking forward, we expect that the casino industry will grow. Experts believe that this massive growth would be driven by mobile gaming. According to these experts, mobile gaming would lead the way in making more options available to people.

Gaming on mobile phones comes with an idea of convenience


As of today, online casinos have different versions, each with its various peculiarities. The diverse array of options available, especially on mobile devices coupled with easy access sparks interest in the minds of many players. As a result, more players are finding mobile casinos more favorable than land-based casinos.

Always remember, your casino choice, whether online or offline, must own a certificate. The operator should also guarantee your safety and have with them varieties of games for you to choose from.

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