You Can Now Install Android On An iOS Device Thanks To A New Project

Karamchand Rameshwar

However, the project is still in beta stage so it only works on iPhone 7, 7 Plus and iPod Touch as well as many other limitations in terms of features.

Despite being in the middle of a lawsuit with Apple, Corellium, a startup that provides mock versions of iOS to developers, seems to be teasing the iPhone maker when it launches a beta version of an interesting project that allows Android to run on iPhones.

You can now install Android 10 on an iPhone.

Named Project Sandcastle, this project has been in development for many years so it can run Android alongside iOS right on the iPhone - similar to running Windows in parallel with MacOS on a Mac. However, the project is still in beta stage, so there were very few devices compatible with it, namely the iPhone 7, 7 Plus and iPod Touch.

But according to Chris Wade, founder of Corellium, support will come to more devices in the near future. However, it is only limited to devices from iPhone 5S to iPhone X.

That's because this project uses the Checkra1n jailbreak method to boot, which doesn't work on devices like iPhone 11 and newer. Basically, this jailbreak method removes the sandbox security layer on iOS, so it also makes your iPhone less secure, which is something that you would want to consider before installing it.

Typical features of Android available on an iPhone.

If you still want to experience this unique project, you can go to the website and follow the instructions. The Android version installed on those iPhones is Android 10, but do not expect to get a full Android experience on it. For example, you cannot install apps through the Google Play Store.

The following table illustrates the hardware features that will work on this project. For example, the camera, GPU, speakerphone, Bluetooth and mobile signal still won't work on any iPhone version with this project installed. It was exactly like the name of the Sandcastle project - a sand castle.

There are a lot of 'No' on the table.

Still, this is an interesting project for the community of researchers when it allows opening the door to exploit Apple hardware the way they want. Corellium CEO Amanda Gorton told Forbes that the SandCastle project is "about having fun building something new from the sand—from the literal silicon of the hardware."

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