Apple Helps Repair Outdated iPhones And Other Aging Devices

Author - Nov 02, 2018

Apple Helps Repair Outdated iPhones And Other Aging Devices

In its new Pilot program, Apple will offer repairs and part replacement for aging Apple's devices such as iPhone, MacBook, and others.

According to sources, Apple is launching a program to repair old Apple devices, called "Repair Vintage Apple Products Pilot". This helps increase the warranty period for customers, helping those with the need to use the phone and old life better.

Initially, the program will include outdated products and the iPhone 5. For the coming weeks, Apple will add more devices whose repair support has expired.

Best of all, the MacBook Air from mid-2012 that is more than five years old is also included after the launch of the new MacBook Air earlier this week.

Currently, the list of devices supported in the program includes:

  •  MacBook Air 11 inch production from mid-2012
  • 13-inch MacBook Air manufactured from mid-2012
  • iPhone 5 GSM / CDMA
  • 21.5 inches iMac produced in mid-2011, applied only in the US and Turkey
  • 27-inch iMac produced in mid-2011 applied only in the US and Turkey.

Image result for Repair Vintage Apple Products Pilot

The 15-inch Mid-2012 MacBook Pro and the iPhone 4s will be listed by Apple on November 30th, 2018. Then on December 30, 2018, Apple will add the 13-inch MacBook Pro Retina (late 2012) to its program, the MacBook Pro Retina produced mid-2012, the 13-inch MacBook Pro Retina manufactured in 2013, the Mac Pro launched in mid-2012 and also the iPhone 5 GSM.

Apple stores will serve the devices listed above wi

The devices listed above will be served at Apple stores as well as authorized service providers over the world except for any special note.

For a long time, owners of iPads, iPhones, and Macs that are between 5 and 7 years old has been able to have their devices repaired across Apple's original stores or authorized stores, even without a warranty. As usual, after the 5-7 period, the devices are categorized as outdated and Apple employees would not provide replacement parts or repairs. Apple has released a list of obsolete products on its homepage.

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iPhone 4s is also in the list

In the new Pilot program, vintage devices may get repair offers based on whether their parts are available or not.  Otherwise, customers will be notified of the part unavailability due to vintage condition. Therefore, it is very unlikely that all older phones will be repaired, but this is a very convenient policy for Apple customers when Apple has previously stopped supplying all parts as well as accessories for obsolete products.


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