What To Do If Your Facebook Account Is Hacked


What To Do If Your Facebook Account Is Hacked

The biggest social networking company, Facebook, has over two billion active users accounts and is an appealing target for hackers all over the world.

The biggest social networking company, Facebook, manages more than two billion active users accounts and is an appealing target for hackers all over the world. Some hackers are more successful and made it to the news, but there are smaller hacks that affect just some users.


How to know that your Facebook account has been hacked

  • Your password or email for the account has changed.
  • Your birthday and/or your name on the account have changed.
  • Your account sends friend requests to people you don't know.
  • Posts published via your account without your knowledge.
  • Your friends get messages not written by you.

If you realize that something has gone wrong or above-mentioned activities are happening with your account, take immediate steps to stop it. When you notice that someone has changed your password and you cannot access your account, quickly follow the procedure given below, it might be helpful for you.

How attackers hack your account

There are several ways hackers can use to access your account. For getting your password, hackers use different techniques such as setting up an Evil Twin Wi-Fi hotspot or unlocking your account by guessing your password. It might also be possible that you forgot to logout your account from a device in which you logged in the last time or hackers got access to your account from your stolen device.

No matter how they steal your Facebook credentials, the most important thing is taking steps quickly and trying to minimize the damage by restricting hackers using these preventive steps.

What to do when your account has been hacked

Immediately report to Facebook

What to do if someone hacks your phone

When you cannot access your account, you can send a report for a possible hack and the company can help you reset your password.

1) Firstly, you need to go to the Report Compromised Account page on Facebook.

2) Click on the button that says 'My Account is Compromised.'

3) Enter your email address or phone number in the given field and click on Search.

4) Once you found your account, the next step is to enter your old password or the current one in the given field and click on the 'Continue' button.

Choose one and then click on 'Continue.'

5) Next, you will see a list of options indicating why you think the account is hacked, choose one and then click on 'Continue.' 6) After that, you'll see a message from Facebook that says:

7)  Now click on the button 'Get Started'.

Inform your friends regarding your account getting hacked

Inform all your Facebook friends to not accept anything such as links or other stuff from your account until the account gets recovered. Hackers can do anything once they get access to your account. They can send private or abusive messages or post something which is not good for your well being.