What Make A VPN Service Safer Than Others?


What Make A VPN Service Safer Than Others?

How your VPN can be safer than others with just a few features?

Various VPN services come with many different features and protective functions, so how your VPN can be safer than others with just a few features?

Kill Switches 

Vpn Service Kill Switch
Kill Switches

A kill switch will keep your device safe from connecting to websites with no secure connection, in the case that your VPN connection is not working properly. Referred by Tech.co, kill switches will prevent the issue of personal data exposure to hackers when accessing via Wi-Fi networks, particularly if your VPN connection fails.

Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor Authentication

As stated by Norton, a well-known cybersecurity firm, this feature will help stop the hackers from efforts to access to your VPN as it requires users to provide many forms of identification as the proof, which works similarly as a password or a temporary passcode sent through different forms of communication.



This is a major and indispensable feature of a typical VPN service. Basically, encryption will hide your personal information from hackers. However, security experts have warned the users that your data may not be encrypted in all VPN apps, and there are few VPN apps using protocols that do not encrypt users' traffic or just encrypt only some extent of the traffic. Therefore, users will need to ensure that your VPN services at least encrypt the some or all information that you want it to be protected.

No-log/No Data Collection Policy

To some people, the ideal VPN service doesn't collect their data. And these services are called "no-log VPNs", which means that the VPN providers do not save users' personal data such as your details, the websites you visit, your download and even search history.

App Permissions

App Permissions

Consumers are also warned by experts for some permission VPN apps demand. You may think of giving up on a VPN app that requires access to personal data, such as your personal messages, and find other VPN apps. The apps should only be asking for permissions which are only relevant to their services.

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