"SIM Not Provisioned" Error: Here Are Five Working Fixes To The Issue

Karamchand Rameshwar

SIM Not Provisioned or SIM Not Provisioned mm#2 are pretty common issues with a SIM card. Here are five working fixes you should try.

You just insert a new SIM card into your phone, but it doesn’t work and you get the error message “SIM not provisioned’. Why do you get it and how to resolve the error?

How To Fix Sim Not Provisioned

In this article, we will explain to you how to solve this issue for both Android and iOS devices and make sure you won’t see it in the future. 

Why Do You See "SIM Not Provisioned"?

SIM or Subscriber Identity Module card is a smart card that contains all the information such as user identity, phone number, location, contact list, personal security keys, text messages, and network authorization data. This small chip connects your smartphone to the network provider. It allows users to make calls, SMS, and many more.

This error usually pops up when users insert a new SIM card into the phone.

The error “SIM not provisioned” will most likely pop-up when users register a new SIM card. If you see the issue in a different case, it might be due to the SIM card and you need to replace it. 

The possible reasons for the “SIM not provisioned MM2’ error are as follows:

  • You are transferring your contacts to a new SIM card
  • The server of your network provider is not available (if you are using an iPhone, Apple’s server also has to be online).
  • You might not place the SIM in the correct position or the SIM tray is misplaced
  • You purchase a new SIM card and a new phone.

You might also see other SIM error messages. For example, you might see the “SIM not valid” error message if your SIM card is locked to a certain phone and you insert it into a different phone. In this case, you have to unlock the SIM before using it on a new device.

Why Do You See "SIM Not Provisioned For Voice" Error?

The “SIM Not Provisioned For Voice” is a pretty common error. You will usually see the error message on devices that are connected to Google Fi networks, which is a combination of Wi-Fi and mobile networks. 

Why Do You See "SIM 2 Not Provisioned" Error?

You will see this error only in dual-SIM smartphones. Each SIM slot is numbered, so there will be "SIM 1 not provisioned" and "SIM 2 not provisioned" errors.

How To Fix "SIM Not Provisioned" Errors

1. Restart Your Device

This is the first thing you should do when encountering the error or … any error.

2. Re-insert the SIM card

If restarting the phone doesn’t work, it might be due to the SIM card not being properly placed or the shape of the SIM card itself.

To see if your SIM Card is correctly placed, you have to switch off your phone and find the SIM card.

  • With old models, you will have to open their back panel to find the SIM card. You might even have to remove the battery to see the SIM card.
You will mostly find removable back panels on old models.
  • With modern smartphones with non-removable batteries, you will usually see the SIM card on the side. It can be at the top, bottom, or on the left or right side . Look for a tiny hold on the side of the smartphone and push a SIM eject tool into the hole to take the SIM card out.
Sim card trays are usually positioned on the side of newer models.

When you successfully remove the SIM card, you have to make sure it is clean before inserting it into the phone again. When positioning the card in the tray, you have to follow the instructions carefully. There usually is a sticker near the SIM card slot, showing the correct orientation of the SIM.

You should clean your SIM card and the SIM card tray before inserting it into the phone again.

If the error still persists, you should try it on a different phone to see whether it is due to the SIM card or the phone.

3. Check If Your SIM Card Is Activated Or Not

You usually have to wait 24 hours or less for a SIM card activation.

In most of the cases, a new SIM card will be automatically activated within 24 hours after you insert it into your phone. You can also contact the telecom services about the activation process. You will be required to provide your identity before accessing the SIM card details.

4. Contact Your Carrier Or Network Provider

If your SIM Card hasn’t been activated, you might have to use a different phone to call your carrier and inform them about the issue. For example, if you are using a Vodafone SIM card, then you need to contact Vodafone hotline.

5. Replace Your SIM Card

eSIM might be a good option if these fixes are not working.

Still getting the error? Maybe fixing it by yourself isn’t possible. You might need to get a new SIM card or contact your carrier/network provider. You can also check out eSIM if you phone supports it. You don't know what is eSIM? Check out our article to learn more about it:

>>> What is eSIM - Mobygeek

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