How To Cut Hair At Home: Step-By-Step And Images For Men And Women

Dhir Acharya

How To Cut Hair At Home: Detailed guidelines and images to show you how to cut your hair at home perfectly during the India lockdown.

India is on full lockdown for 5 weeks. Essentially, nobody can go out regardless of the reason, and all non-essential services are forced to shut down temporarily, including hairdressers. However, many of us need regular haircuts, or we are just spending too much time doing nothing we get bored, and practicing cutting our own hair is one way to entertain. So, if you’re thinking about doing this, we are here to show you how to cut hair at home.

How to cut hair at home for men

how to cut hair at home

Cutting hair for men at home is pretty easy compared with cutting a girl’s hair, especially when you have a hair trimmer or clippers. So, how to cut hair at home with clippers?

Step 1: First, prepare the following items.

  • A sharp pair of scissors
  • A hair trimmer
  • A comb
  • A big mirrors and a hand-held mirror
Prepare to cut your hair at home

Step 2: Now, guys, before cutting your hair, make sure it’s wet. Also, make sure your hair is clean and free of any type of gel or hair spray, and comb it to get rid of tangles and knots.

Step 3: Next, find the spot where you often part your hair, then comb it upward toward the top of the head. Do the same thing on the opposite side. This step helps you trim the side hair first.

Step 4: Now, choose a suitable trimmer attachment to trim the sides of your hair. Run the clippers from the base of the hairline up your head, then pull away right before the part line.

Step 5: Trim around the bottom section of the hairline, remember to hold the hair out of the trimmer’s way.

How to cut hair at home: Trim the sides of your hair

Step 6: Cut the top, make sure the hair there is still wet. Divide your hair into rows and comb each row upward then trim it with scissors to the length you want.

How to cut hair at home: Cut the top hair

So, that how to cutting hair at home for men, you just need to follow closely step by step and conduct each step carefully so you won’t ruin your hair.

How to cut hair at home for girl

How to cut hair at home

Now we will show you how to cut own hair at home step by step for girls/women.

Step 1: Prepare the following items:

  • A pair of sharp scissors
  • A comb
  • A brush
  • A big mirror and a hand-held mirror

Step 2: Make sure your hair is clean, free of any type of gel or hair spray and make it wet. Comb the hair to get rid of tangles and knots.

Step 3: Brush and gather the hair to the top of the head, then twist it.

How to cut hair at home: Brush and gather the hair to the top of the head, then twist it

Step 4: Pinch the hair between your index finger and middle finer then cut it to the length your want. Keep in mind that larger cuts will result in heavier layering.

How to cut hair at home: Keep in mind that larger cuts will result in heavier layering

Step 5: After cutting the hair, release it, and brush out. See if there’s any hair missed and cut it.

These steps can be applied to cut your bangs too.

How to cut U shape hair at home by self

Step 1: Prepare tools and your hair just like in the previous section.

Step 2: Brush your hair, make it as straight as you can.

Step 3: Part your hair at the center of the top of your head using a comb. Try to make the two sections as equal as you can. Push the hair to the front.

How to cut hair at home: Part the hair, push the hair to the front

Step 4: Start with one side, slide fingers down the hair to the length you want to cut. Using your fingers, pull the hair in front of your face. Cut the ends of the hair.

How to cut hair at home: Cut the ends of the hair

Step 5: Run the comb through the hair, snip it to make the end of the hair perfectly straight.

Run the comb through the hair, snip it to make the end of the hair perfectly straight

Step 6: Do the same on the other side. Keep your head straight and look closely in the mirror to make sure the two sections of your hair are equally long.

Keep your head straight and look closely in the mirror to make sure the two sections of your hair are equally long

Step 7: Now, you will need to shape the hair and soften the edges. First, gather your hair in front of your face, tie it in a ponytail. Snip the end of the hair to make it straight across.

gather your hair in front of your face, tie it in a ponytail. Snip the end of the hair to make it straight across

Step 8: Snip the hair to the ends with the scissors held vertically, soften the edges.

Snip the hair to the ends with the scissors held vertically, soften the edges

Step 9: Twist the ponytail and cut on a diagonal. Then release the hair, part it like in the beginning and trim the edges a little more until you’re satisfied to complete the cut.

Twist the ponytail and cut on a diagonal

So, in this article, we provided you with step-by-step guidelines for How To Cut Hair At Home, including instructions for men, women, as well as the U-shaped haircut for women. We hope you will get a good haircut at home by yourself!

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